Just a month prior to the commencement of the 10th edition of RORC Caribbean 600 exceeding 60 yachts has moved into the Caribbean classic. The inclusion of maxis, multihulls, Superyachts, along with the huge collection of racing as well as cruising yachts will be moving on the striking, but at the same time challenging race around all over 11 different Caribbean islands.

Ian Moore from Carrickfergus, Ireland, a known winning navigator of Hap Fauth’s Maxi 72 Bella Mente in 2017 Caribbean 600, is moving once again, but will board on a boat of some other vintage. By this latest morning in New York, he has signed into the pilot, Elliott 52 Outsider, a 1997 New Zealand based design, but created in the year 2006 and still today it is a strict competitive proposal generally – specifically so with Moore calling the shots.
Conor Fogerty’s Sunfast 36000 Bam, is highly in the hunt, his crew consisting of Mini-Transat expert Tom Dolan. Irish-French interest is highly maintained with highly admired Round Ireland contender Eric de Turckheim from La Rochelle with his latest 54 feet Teasing Machine, the winner of the current east-west RORC Transatlantic Race.
In IRC Two, including the last year’s winner and on the sixth position, El Ocaso is looking forward for the charter and is one of three J/122s moved in this year, along with Bernard McGranaghan’s French Noisy Oyster and Pamela Baldwin’s Antiguan Liquid.