New Multihull Boats

The multihulls, bigger boats with more than a single hull are being bought by sailors in large number. In the current market, sailors often look for yachts with a cruise, from the wide options they’ve got to choose multihull ships in terms of their displacement and size.

Fountaine Pajot New 42 is an example of the light multihull ship. This French-built yacht is also a well-known powerhouse in sailor’s book. This yacht has been increasing his uniqueness in design every year. With LOA d41ft 4in (12.58m) Beam 23ft 8in this boat has a displacement of 25,355lb. Another example to lightship (light yacht) is the HH77 this boat is having everything a well-experienced sailor is looking for. From large beds to its carbon fiber body, the hh77 truly stands out amongst the light ships with no doubts. This lightship has an LOA of 80ft 3in (24.50m) Beam of 38ft 5in (11.70m) Draft of 2ft 5in/14ft 10in Displacement of 97,000lb. This boat has a spacious one, despite the size.

Dufour Catamarans 48 is next. This ship is known for the service provided by the company to configure the interior in a large variety. These features portray the production quality of these Dufour built yachts. In the field of high altitude sailing the Allures, C47.9 is the answer. C47.9 has a lighter body but the ability it has in carriage control boosts the quality of this yacht at least by a time. With LOA 47ft 11, Beam 24ft, Draft 4ft 1 inch this too is a light ship with 26,455lb displacement. With vacuum-bagged composites of E-glass and carbon fiber comes our next yacht c53 from unlimited yachts. This yacht is a true example for minimalist luxury and strong body.

Neel 47 and Bali 4.7 are similar ships with similar wide and long body with similar LOA beams and displacements. These ships vary from origins to production. Being last on the list actually puts them in the front line in the multihull industry.
